A health care directive establishes your desires in the event that you are incapacitated.
Do you have specific beliefs regarding what you would like to happen if you are affected by a medical condition and can’t communicate your wishes? Burkhardt Law assists you to put the proper legal safeguards in place so that your exact wishes under such circumstances are known and followed.
Because of the constantly advancing state of medicine today, measures that extend life while leaving a patient incapacitated can leave a family guessing about how a patient would want them to proceed. Such procedures can be very expensive and can cause tremendous stress and expense.
It is your choice how you would like such circumstances to be addressed. However, if this choice is not clearly outlined in a proper legal document, this choice may be taken from you or thrust on your family unnecessarily.
At Burkhardt Law, we discuss your beliefs and find an effective way to implement them. Contact us today and request your free legal consultation.